Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Health By Melanie Haiken, Every year, it seems, the needle on the scale is a little harder to budge. You cut back on portion size; you say, “... |  | from Beauty The 2012 list of the Most Beautiful Women hit newsstands yesterday. People Magazine’s annual round up of the loveliest ladies around features Be... |  | from Food By Jordan Laio, Networx My friends, perfect tomatoes are not those red tasteless orbs for sale at your local national grocery chain store, however nic... |  | from Food Over the years, I’ve wandered in and out of various states of vegan and vegetarian and even had a few years as an omnivore (but only ate very ca... |  | from Beauty By Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D Pomegranates are used often in Middle Eastern cuisine and their beauty-fuel potential in personal care products has been foun... |  | from Family Teaching children about ancient history is a monumental task. Making the Shang Dynasty, the Vikings and the death cults of Egypt at all engaging takes... |  | from Pets Chris Brown has a number of pit bull puppies for sale at $1,000 each. SPCALA has said he is breeding and selling them, and he has a website called CB ... |  | from Life For these homeowners, a house isn’t just a place to rest your head — it’s also a piece of art itself. Check out some amazing ... |  | from Home For four days, I’ve watched patiently while my children’s bedroom deteriorated into something resembling the tornado-ravaged communities y... |  | from Pets Short and sweet is a phrase used to describe many situations, and this video of the celebrated actor playing acoustic guitar while his dog vocalizes i... |  | from Spirit 1. However hurried you may be, don't forget to say thanks to people. Even better, make time to express your gratitude in concrete ways—write a letter,... |  | from Spirit We are giving away a copy of Living Fully: Finding Joy in Every Breath by Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche. Check out this excerpt and then don’t forget ... |  | from Spirit Recently I was pondering the various new age and metaphysical groups, practices, and in particular the various leaders and the styles of leadership th... |  | from Spirit My fiancé and I just returned from two days in Yosemite. It was a wonderful trip – despite the fact that it was raining constantly. We were ab... | | april 29, 2012 |
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