Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Home Despite your best efforts, do you feel like you just can’t stop the steady stream of junk mail in your mailbox? Whether it’s catalogs you ... |  | from Home By Noah Garfinkel, Networx The original intent of this article was to explore possible uses for fast food other than eating. It turns out, though, tha... |  | from Life It’s not always a question of whether you have time to troll the internet or blog sphere, more often than not it just happens. I’m not ash... |  | from Home Airborne chemicals are embedded inside our homes. They swirl around us as toxic gases emitted from the poorly-labeled bottles of cleaning fluids in ou... |  | from Health By Anne-Marie Botek, Editor The days are getting warmer and longer, inspiring people to engage in backyard barbecues, and midday picnics... |  | from Food While we may endlessly talk about, debate, and cast judgment upon certain foods, one thing we never stop doing is actually eating. As I write this, th... |  | from Health Junk food is destroying both our bodies and the environment. Here are the facts and the solutions. ... |  | from Nature Undercover investigators filmed loggers taking huge tree trunks out of the territory of the world's most threatened tribe. Photo Credit: Threat to Dem... |  | from Nature Well over 600 dolphins have been found dead or very ill since the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. So far in 2012, 100 have washed up... |  | from Nature Orca, Morla, Lissy and Boing are the raptors given the mission to scare off birds that invade the tarmac at Malaga airport to allow aeroplanes to take... |  | from Green Every April the world turns its eyes to, well, itself. Earth Day has been celebrated every April 22 since 1969. Each year it has grown in popularity a... |  | from Nature There are so many mixed messages when it comes to the best and worst ways to work out. Similarly, there’s all sorts of misinformation abo... |  | from Spirit For years, I was a walking cerebrum. Most doctors are. It's what we're trained to do. As a physician, you can't sleep when you're tired, eat when you'... |  | from Conscious Consumer Three drunk men entered Australian Sea World illegally last weekend and swam with dolphins. After swimming, the men stole a penguin and videotaped it ... |  | from Pets Too funny — this frog is sitting on a bench much like a human would! Related: Frog Sings Like a Bird Llama ‘Laughs’ At Cow (V... |  | from Pets By Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D TAURUS (THE BULL): APRIL 20–MAY 20 Cardinal element: EARTH Ruling planet: VENUS Earth color: CERISE Astral colors: RED, SCARL... |  | from Spirit Today, a friend woke up in crisis. I reached out to my community to see if we might be a part of the solution, to see if we have among us the means to... |  | from Spirit Clarity means being super clear on what it is that you want. This is step number one when starting to define your brand. What is your mission? What is... |  | from Spirit I have been thinking quite a bit lately about change and uncertainty. As I look forward to the next steps I hope to take with my career, and the deci... |  | from Nature Local residents were riveted when an orca took on sharks in shallow water off the southern coast of New Zealand Tuesday. Photo Credit: DrTH80 via Flic... | | april 25, 2012 |
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