Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Food Yep, we know, butter is fattening. It’s something that should be consumed sparingly. But, it’s such a staple in the pantry that it&... |  | from Food By Dana Shultz for | photo from Kitchen Simplicity Summer is just around the corner, and one of the first things my mind goes to whe... |  | from Food By Sayward Rebhal, Networx Is healthy eating expensive? Well . . . yes and no. “Expensive” is a relative term, but before we even get into... |  | from Nature By Margaret Southern, The Nature Conservancy Have plans for Earth Day this weekend? How about trying to become a world record holder? The Nature Conse... |  | from Food Dutch students bake the world’s biggest grasshopper pie to promote insects as a source of protein. Photo Credit: Gilliamhome’s Olympus E3 ... |  | from Family By Marlo Sollitto, Every caregiver has a family history. Some of that history may be unpleasant, disappointing or even abusive. A careg... |  | from Nature As Earth Day approaches, many environmentalists are using the momentum to spread awareness about their eco-living passions. If you find yourself promo... |  | from Spirit I was recently at the home of my mentor Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, along with a group of beloved physicians committed to finding meaning in medicine, and... |  | from Love The cover of Newsweek magazine shows a woman wearing a blindfold. It shouts the news that spankings have gone “mainstream” and working wom... |  | from Spirit Several people in my life are either in the process of or considering moving to different states. They have all struggled with the decision because t... |  | from Nature New research shows that many people are unsuspectingly drinking sucralose every day in their water. A shocking new study found that the artificial sw... |  | from Do Good Video captured Tuesday shows rescuers helping a whale that became tangled in fishing line while migrating the wrong way off Dana Point, California. Ph... |  | from Pets A species of purple crab has been discovered on the island of Palawan in the Phillipines. Lead researcher Hendrik Freitag said the bright colors might... |  | from Pets The sounds of a cow mooing in the background makes this llama laugh! Related: Curious Pack of Alpacas (Funny Video) Dog Frees Caged Bunny (Vide... |  | from Pets A new gecko species has been discovered by biologists from the Papua New Guinea National Museum and the U.S. Geological Survey. It is covered by blac... |  | from Pets Boo the cat hates sitting outside his owner’s door alone, waiting for him to come out in the morning. So in order to grab his owner’s atte... |  | from Health A new law in Israel seeks to ban underweight models from catwalks and commercials, a measure that many lawmakers believe will reduce eating disorders ... |  | from Health by Denise Austin, Contributor to Exercise & Fitness on Do you work full-time? This may be one reason you’ve been unable... |  | from Green “All natural” this, “biodegradable” that… labels can be overwhelming. Especially when companies give us reasons to belie... |  | from Spirit Have you ever been in a room that didn’t feel good to be in but you couldn’t figure out what was wrong? Chances are the Yin/Yang component... |  | from Spirit As a little girl, I could not be tamed, at least when it came to shoes. I loved to run around with my feet bare. It was more than love, actually. It w... |  | from Green When it’s raining or snowing outside, it’s easy to forget why water conservation is so important and that our everyday choices make a diff... |  | from Family My wife says she remembers nothing from her childhood, or at least nothing before the age of seven. I, on the other hand, have memories of being about... | | april 20, 2012 |
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