Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Nature When I was little, I visited a friend whose dad built a tree house with a zipline that led directly to the family's front door. It was the coolest thi... |  | from Nature Scientific research from the CSIRO reveals that changes in rainfall and evaporation in the world’s oceans are becoming more pronounced as global... |  | from Food While it may seem like there may be nothing to eat in the house, that doesn't mean the contents of your kitchen pantry (or fridge) is totally without ... |  | from Nature Veterinarians at Washington State University are raising nine tiny great horned owls whose nests have been destroyed. The baby owls are rarely seen by... |  | from Nature We took our almost three-year-old son ramp foraging with us last week. He brought a trowel and a dump truck. But don’t worry, we confined his ex... |  | from Nature A black bear in Alaska was illegally killed by former rock star turned reality TV celebrity Ted Nugent. Ironically enough, his reality TV show is call... |  | from Food Women eating plant-based diets may have lower breast cancer rates because they have larger bowel movements. In The Best Detox, I described the role of... |  | from Health by Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari, Contributor to Ayurveda on The modern sciences are engaged in researching the products and formula for ... |  | from Home In the mood for a little color? Here are five cost-effective ways to add a cheerful note to an interior space. Above: What may be kept behind cabinets... |  | from Spirit Yup, I'm officially vlogging from my bed! In this video I share about why I think sleep is a spiritual practice. Hop into bed with me and learn my tip... |  | from Spirit Ayurveda is not a magic bullet. It is not a one-size-fits-all system of healing. And though it does have herbal and lifestyle-based cures for disease,... |  | from Life Experts can be dangerous. I’m the number one proponent of using the other 8 hours to learn from others, grow, and advance, but whenever you find... |  | from Pets In honor of Earth Day, I recently wrote about how noise pollution affects our lives. But, what about our beloved pets? They have become part of our fa... |  | from Pets An injured cat in Tehran was found with many abscesses and soaked in gasoline. It had also been shot in the face with a pellet. The cat was so unhealt... |  | from Home In a world filled with gadgets, programs, containers, organizers, and cleaning products designed to help us keep our space all perfect and shiny, many... |  | from Spirit When my publisher asked me a few years ago what I wanted the topic of my next book to be, I told him that I wanted to write a book about courage and c... |  | from Health By Hanny Roskamp I'm 48 now. A year and half ago, I could still say I was "approaching menopause." But a year ago, the first hot flashes presented the... | | april 28, 2012 |
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