| from Women's Rights The Crusade Against Planned Parenthood Marches On |
| from Animal Welfare Pig Torturers Get Jail Time |
| from Animal Welfare Saving the Incredible Tree Climbing Dog |
| from Environment & Wildlife Nuclear Power’s Promise Pales |
| from Women's Rights Is That A Young Gun In Their Pocket, Or Is The GOP Just Happy To See Me? |
| from Human Rights No Kids Under 18 Allowed Outside Without Adult Supervision |
| from Politics Major Bookseller Bids Adieu to Digital Copyright Protection |
| from Politics FCC Political Ad Vote Comes Down to the Wire |
| from Real Food Children’s Book Says Vegan is Love, But Does Knowledge Lead to Power or Fear? |
| from Politics Murdoch Uses the R-Word |
| from LGBT rights British Marriage Equality Group Releases Support Ad |
| from Civil Rights May Day: Occupy Wall Street Gears Up For Nationwide Strike |
| from Health Policy Fighting for Every Breath |
| from Politics California Bill Would Ban ‘Pray Away The Gay’ |
| from Environment & Wildlife Deadly Booby Traps Set on Utah Trail |
| from Women's Rights Hoax Visits Descend Upon Planned Parenthood |
| from Politics Justice Scalia, Your Racism Is Showing |
| from Politics Pennsylvania Elects First Openly Gay State Legislator |
| from Education Why Are Parents Putting Wires On Special Ed Students? |
| from Politics Election Shows Albertans Still Care about Social Issues |
| from Politics Terrifying Infographic Reveals the Power of Modern Nukes |
| from Women's Rights Who’s Praying For Their Enemies to Get Breast Cancer? |
| from Environment & Wildlife BP Engineer Arrested For Destroying Gulf Oil Spill Evidence |
| from Health Policy Are We Winning the War Against Childhood Obesity? |
| from Politics BREAKING: Connecticut Abolishes Death Penalty |
| from Global Warming Spring 2012 Arrives Exceptionally Early |
| from Environment & Wildlife Ken Salazar Weighs in on Controversial Art Installation |
| from Animal Welfare Burger King Phases Out Battery Cages and Gestation Crates |
| from Health Policy Preventing Malaria Deaths, One Mosquito Bite At A Time (VIDEO) |
| from Animal Welfare Ticks “Crawling up the Wall” in Kennel at Tucson Greyhound Park |
| from Politics Protesters Play Tax Dodgerball, GE CEO Interrupted |
| from LGBT rights Newt Supports North Carolina Gay Marriage Ban |
| from Politics CFPB To Investigate Mandatory Arbirtation Clauses |
| from Human Rights Madeleine McCann, Etan Patz: Investigators and Parents Still Hoping |
| from Education Should Student Loan Rates Increase? PELL No! [VIDEO] |
| from Human Rights Police Brutalize Aboriginal Teenagers in Sydney |
| from Education Teen Suicides Due to Bad Parenting, Says TN Lawmaker |
| from Politics Gingrich Suspends Presidential Campaign as of May 1st |
| from Women's Rights Ann Romney “Loves” That Some Moms Can’t Stay Home With Their Kids |
| from Women's Rights Twitter trolls arrested after attacking rape victim |
| from Politics Honoring Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords [VIDEO] |
| from Women's Rights Trayvon Martin Is My Son |
| from Women's Rights Arizona Senate Passes Planned Parenthood Funding Ban |
| from LGBT rights Landmark Employment Ruling Protects Trans Rights |
| from Politics Morning Mix: The Password Is “Reassessment” |
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