3D Printable Ammo Mag Takes Aim at Proposed Gun Laws
U.S. Lags Peers in Life Expectancy
Ask Slashdot: Are Timed Coding Tests Valuable?
U.S. Attorney Chided Swartz on Day of Suicide
Man Charged With HIPAA Violations for Video Taping Police
Hot Comment: The purpose of the second amendment
From the Vault: Poll Finds Mixed Support for Domestic Wiretaps
Watch It: X PRIZE Mission to Make 'Star Trek'-Style Tricorder a Reality
Poll Booth: The status of Java on my machine

3D Printable Ammo Mag Takes Aim at Proposed Gun Laws
Defense Distributed says it hopes to preempt any high-capacity magazine ban by showing how impossible it has become to prevent the creation of a simple spring-loaded box in the age of cheap 3D printing.
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U.S. Lags Peers in Life Expectancy
The U.S. is at or near the bottom in nine key areas of health including infant mortality and low birth weight; injuries and homicides; drug-related deaths; obesity and diabetes; heart disease; and disability, according to a study by the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine.
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Ask Slashdot: Are Timed Coding Tests Valuable?
xkrebstarx wrote in about a friend who was given a timed coding test by a prospective employer to gauge his coding prowess and asked fellow Slashdotters: "Does coding quickly really indicate a better programmer? A better employee?"
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U.S. Attorney Chided Swartz on Day of Suicide
In response to Aaron Swartz's request to supplement his Motions to Suppress and Dismiss with a critical document only recently produced to him by the government, the U.S. Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz quipped in a court filing the day Swartz committed suicide that the document Swartz is referring to "is relevant, but not nearly as important as he tries to make it out to be."
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Man Charged With HIPAA Violations for Video Taping Police
Andrew Henderson's camera was confiscated and he was charged with obstructing justice after he recorded sheriff's deputies frisking a bloody-faced man, who was then loaded into an ambulance by paramedics, reports the St. Paul Pioneer Press. The deputy wrote in the citation, "Data privacy HIPAA violation."
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The purpose of the second amendment
"Arguments about the second amendment used to revolve around whether guns keep us free. These days, however, they're all about whether guns keep us safe. Something significant has already been lost, even if we still have the right to bear arms." --by spikenerd
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Poll Finds Mixed Support for Domestic Wiretaps
Seven years ago, The New York Times reported that Americans are growing more and more concerned about the tradeoff between "fighting terrorism" and civil liberties. Forty-seven percent of those polled responded that they did not support "wiretapping in order to reduce the threat of terrorism."
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X PRIZE Mission to Make 'Star Trek'-Style Tricorder a Reality
The X PRIZE Foundation has released guidelines and opened registration to its $10 million Tricorder design contest. Timothy Lord caught up with the foundation's Alan Zack at CES to talk about this next foray into outsourced incentivized competitions, what it's going to take to win it and when we can expect to see some prototypes.
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The status of Java on my machine:
- Enabled
- Disabled
- Does not apply (for reasons of availability, etc)
- I don't know
- Java is delicious, when correctly prepared.
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