Newspaper Hires Armed Guards After Gun Map Backfire
Bill Seeks to Ban Minting of $1 Trillion Coin
Nurses Fired After Refusing Flu Shots
Anti-GMO Activist Recants
Why Girls Do Better in School
Hot Comment: "All but three countries in the world have done it..."
From the Vault: IBM Patents Pricing Motorists Off Highways
Watch It: Making Sake Hot in Texas
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Newspaper Hires Armed Guards After Gun Map Backfire
A suburban New York newspaper that published the names and addresses of registered local gun owners in the wake of the Newtown shootings reportedly hired armed guards in response to unspecified threats to the editor.
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Bill Seeks to Ban Minting of $1 Trillion Coin
Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) has introduced a bill to specifically ban President Barack Obama from minting $1 trillion platinum coins to avert a debt ceiling showdown. Walden called the proposal to mint the coins "absurd and dangerous."
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Nurses Fired After Refusing Flu Shots
Stirring up controversy over employee rights vs. patient safety, an Indiana hospital has fired eight employees, including at least three veteran nurses, after they refused mandatory flu shots. The hospital imposed mandatory vaccines in September, responding to rising concerns about the spread of influenza.
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Anti-GMO Activist Recants
During the recent Oxford Farming Conference, environmentalist Mark Lynas, who helped spur the anti-GMO movement in the mid-'90s, apologized for his role in "demonizing an important technological option which can be used to benefit the environment." He added, "To vilify GMOs is to be as anti-science as climate-change deniers."
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Why Girls Do Better in School
Researchers from the University of Georgia and Columbia University looked into why young girls earn better grades in elementary school than their male counterparts despite performing worse on standardized tests. And they found it's all in the attitude.
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Re: Good luck with that
"All but three countries in the world have done it. Are you saying we're unable to cope with an issue that nearly every country has managed to handle?" --by fredgiblet
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IBM Patents Pricing Motorists Off Highways
Five years ago, self-professed patent reformer IBM snagged a patent for the Variable Rate Toll System, which covers the rather anti-egalitarian scheme of pricing motorists off of the roads by raising tolls as congestion increases.
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Making Sake Hot in Texas
After his first visit to Japan, Yoed Anis fell in love with regional styles of sake. So, naturally, Yoed, who has a background in IT programming, learned everything he could about the beverage made from fermented rice and opened the Texas Sake Company. Take a guided tour of the unique brewery.
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