Gun Permit Owner List Leaked
How Much Beef Is In Your Burger?
Student Expelled for Finding 'Sloppy Coding'
Ask Slashdot: How Do I Get My Spouse to Start Gaming With Me?
Islamist Hackers Shut Down Egyptology Research Journal
Hot Comment: "An AR-15 is not an assault weapon. It is..."
From the Vault: $25M Bounty Offered for Global Warming Fix
Watch It: New Chording Keyboard Hits the Market
Poll Booth: My cumulative GPA, thus far

Gun Permit Owner List Leaked
The Journal News caved under pressure and shut down the interactive maps which contained the names and addresses of licensed gun owners in upstate New York. The day after the newspaper's move, an anonymous user leaked the raw data used to build The Journal News maps.
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How Much Beef Is In Your Burger?
Tesco recently took out full-page advertisements in national newspapers to apologize for selling burgers in the UK that were found to contain 29% horsemeat. Traces of horse DNA were also detected in products sold by another company. And according to BBC News Magazine article, a beefburger rarely contains 100% beef.
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Student Expelled for Finding 'Sloppy Coding'
Ahmed Al-Khabez was expelled from Dawson College in Montreal after he discovered a flaw in the software that the college (and apparently all other colleges across Quebec) uses to track student information. The flaw, a result of 'Sloppy coding,' would allow anyone to access all of the information that the system contains about any student.
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Ask Slashdot: How Do I Get My Spouse to Start Gaming With Me?
x_IamSpartacus_x, a longtime gamer who lives overseas and has little access to new movies/entertainment, asks fellow Slashdotters: "What are good ways/good games that I can use to get my wife into computer gaming?" And you had plenty to say on the topic.
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Islamist Hackers Shut Down Egyptology Research Journal
Radical Islamist hackers harassed Egyptologist Kate Phizackerley's online journal Egyptological and her blog KV64 to the point where she and her team decided to shut down their online work. As a blogger noted, "A bunch of violent scumbags... who never have contributed in any way to the web, have successfully interfered with the scientific effort of the entire human race."
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Re: I feel safer already.
"An AR-15 is not an assault weapon. It is single fire, in the same way that a hunting rifle is, and the same way that a handgun/revolver is. One bullet per trigger pull. It was already illegal to own an assault rifle. That is until they change the definition. Sort of how anyone is a potential terrorist." --by spacepimp
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$25M Bounty Offered for Global Warming Fix
Six years ago, Richard Branson offered a $25 million prize to the person or organization that could devise a method to remove at least a billion tons of carbon dioxide a year from the atmosphere. But, of course, there were a few catches.
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New Chording Keyboard Hits the Market
Sick of being an awkward typer, Wayne Rasanen invented his own chording keyboard, which has 10 keys that replaces the entire QWERTY keyboard. Watch as he gives Timothy Lord a tour of the different versions of his Decatxt at CES.
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My cumulative GPA, thus far:
- Above 4.0
- 3.5-4.0
- 3.0-3.5
- 2.5-3.0
- 2.0-2.5
- Below 2.0
- I transcend the concept of GPAs
- Depends if I can average in kindergarten.
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