Linus Rips Into Kernel Maintainer for Userspace Bug
USMA: Going the Extra Kilometer for Metrication
Windows 8 Even Less Popular Than Vista
FBI, Banks Coordinated Crackdown on Occupy Revealed
Obstacles to Running Linux on Microsoft Surface
Hot Comment: "I like to pay taxes, with them I buy civilization."
From the Vault: Where Should Company Loyalty End?
Watch It: Game Review: Planetside 2
Poll Booth: My favorite resolution for the new year

Linus Rips Into Kernel Maintainer for Userspace Bug
When a kernel maintainer recently introduced a change that breaks userspace apps and then blamed software for the problem, Linus Torvalds unleashed: "Shut up, Mauro. And I don't _ever_ want to hear that kind of obvious garbage and idiocy from a kernel maintainer again."
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USMA: Going the Extra Kilometer for Metrication
The U.S. Metric Association has been advocating for metrication since 1916 -- without much success. In the mid-1970s, the U.S. government passed the Metric Conversion Act, but now it seems the time for complete conversion has come and gone. Or can the issue be put back on lawmakers' radar?
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Windows 8 Even Less Popular Than Vista
Early figures don't look good for Windows 8. Net Applications data shows that Windows 8 has just 1.72 percent of the market at the end of December. The much-maligned Windows Vista had a higher share of the market in the same point in its release.
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FBI, Banks Coordinated Crackdown on Occupy Revealed
New documents obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund detail the crackdown of Occupy Wall Street and exposed how the FBI, DHS, terrorist "fusion" centers and the banks all worked together to stifle dissent.
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Obstacles to Running Linux on Microsoft Surface
Matthew Garrett, a.k.a. UEFI-guru, says those who are hoping to run Linux on Microsoft's Surface tablet face a difficult uphill climb. At issue is the manner in which Microsoft has restricted the Surface from loading non-signed software / binaries by implementing UEFI SecureBoot.
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"I like to pay taxes, with them I buy civilization.
That a lot of deluded 'rugged individualists' falsely think they are entirely self-made and have no obligation to pay back into society amuses me. Seeing them frustrated and resentful at paying taxes makes me smile." --by sqrt(2)
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Where Should Company Loyalty End?
Twelve years ago, an anonymous CTO came to fellow Slashdotters with a crisis of conscience-- jump ship from a company with dim prospects of finding future funding or stick it out to preserve the jobs of talented coworkers? "When it comes to the workplace, where do loyalties end and responsibilities to oneself begin?"
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Game Review: Planetside 2
Planetside 2 is a true first-person shooter, using its MMO nature to bring a persistent world into play, with battles sometimes involving hundreds of players, and it does so without trying to shoe-horn in ill-fitting MMORPG tropes. The combat favors relative realism, but it's mixed with vehicle combat in a way that manages to be entertaining without being unfair. Get a closer look.
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My favorite resolution for the new year:
- XGA, XGA+, or WXGA
- HD+, UXGA, or WSXGA+
- Some other resolution entirely
- Some other *kind* of resolution entirely
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