Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Food I always look forward to dinner at my Yiayia’s (Greek for Grandmother) house. A child of immigrants, my Yiayia is a talented cook who had... |  | from Health These seven simple soups, sauces and sides are a great way to start integrating miso and all its health benefits into your daily meals. These recipes ... |  | from Health A weed that you've probably trampled on more than a few times could help you butt out. The North American wild herb, plantain (Plantago major), helps... |  | from Green Fourteen billion dollars has been approved for the construction of two additional nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle in Georgia. Energy Secretary Steven... |  | from Love By The Nature Conservancy So you think you’ve had some strange dates? This Valentine’s Day, The Nature Conservancy compiled the top 10 mos... |  | from Nature The British Coastlines are threatened by erosion by the North Sea, with the nation debating what they can do to hold back the rising tide in their eve... |  | from Nature In August of 2011, the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced an emergency listing of the Miami Blue Butterfly as endangered, “We, the Fish and ... |  | from Life With the start of January, we were all ready to get rid of some bad habits, start some healthy new ones, and have a laugh. Our most popular posts from... |  | from Family If you are supporting an elderly parent, you may qualify for some tax benefits from the U.S. government that reward you for your caregiv... |  | from Love I just finished reading Christopher Ryan’s Sex at Dawn for the second time, which makes the case that, at our core, we humans are not monogamous... |  | from Life by Eden Kozlowski, Supervising Editor of Uggg… I hate to be the one to inform you but chances are pretty high that you do. AND, t... |  | from Pets Recently, I wrote about Andrea, the Utah cat who survived TWO euthanizing attempts, hypothermia and suffocation — and all in one day. AndreaR... |  | from Spirit You keep asking who you really are. If you want to know intellectually, then you are pure awareness, the changeless background against which all thoug... |  | from Pets By David Aaron Moore, Networx The thought of a feline urinating on a ceramic bowl generally reserved for the passing of human waste seems to conjure u... |  | from Home Did you know the laundry room might be one of the more toxic areas of your home? Researchers have found that dryer vents can emit more than 25 volatil... |  | from Pets There may be a foot of snow, but this cute cat is determined to make her way outside! Related: Cat Fascinated By Snow (Video) Dogs in Snow (Vid... | | february 17, 2012 |
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