Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Conscious Consumer Tiny House Design This site presents information on a variety of tiny houses and their plans. It also has articles and information about related books... |  | from Nature A documentary screening event organized by animal welfare group Animals Asia Foundation in Beijing called for an end to bear bile farming, the practic... |  | from Crafts & Design Adam Verwymeren, Networx Wine boxes are pretty easy to come by and are quite useful around the home. Used to ship higher-end wines, you can get your h... |  | from Family Listen, laugh & learn with the Green Divas (and Green Dude Scott) anytime - Podcast here! Never a dull moment in the Green Divas studio . . . an a... |  | from Food By Yumi Sakugawa, Recent studies have shown that eating a medium-sized bag of buttered popcorn with soda at the movies is pretty bad for yo... |  | from News & Issues By Margaret Badore for Walmart is set to sell a new form of genetically-engineered (GE) sweet corn as early as this summer. Monsanto... |  | from Food This rich, full-bodied stock tastes similar to a light chicken stock and can be used in any soup recipe to enrich the flavor. ... |  | from Health by Lisa Lynn, Contributor to Health & Fitness on How would you like to lose 25-40% more weight without spending more time in ... |  | from Spirit It’s okay that you feel afraid, wild one, but it is not serving you. Pause for a moment to release it now, and then return to this meditation an... |  | from Spirit Animals and Spirit Animals From the Rainbow Serpent of the Aborigines of Australia that birthed the land and its inhabitants, to the "Cowardly" Lion t... |  | from Spirit Age deterioration would be unavoidable if the body was simply material, because all material things are prey to entropy, the tendency of orderly syste... |  | from Spirit We are giving away a copy of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves: Ditch Your Inner Critic and Wake Up Your Inner Superstar by Amy Ahlers. Check out thi... |  | from Conscious Consumer The huge e-commerce website Amazon reportedly has removed all whale products from the Japanese portion of their site. Humane Society International sai... |  | from Family This sweet video depicts a son coming out as gay to his mom, and his mom’s really nice and positive reaction! ... |  | from Pets By Kathy Blumenstock, Animal Planet There’s no shame in it: Your cat is king or queen of your world. You should feel flattered that he allows yo... |  | from Pets Watch this unlikely duo square off in a friendly wrestling match. Related: Dog Kisses Baby Monkey Monkey Hug Kitten Tries to Steal Dog’s Tongue ... | | february 26, 2012 |
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