Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Home At Remodelista, we are always on the lookout for new ways to recreate a look for less. Here are two genius DIY ideas we’ve noted recently that o... |  | from Spirit I would share these ten tips. 1. Being broke is not the same as being broken, losing money is not the same as being lost, and finding your balance is ... |  | from Spirit Let me breathe out the battles I wage with others, and even within myself, and breathe in profound peace. Let me breathe out hate and then fill my lun... |  | from Health Is Life Getting You Down? Here is a One Shot Remedy! ... |  | from Life Greed is good. Embrace it. Love it. Live it. In fact, greed may be the one thing that can save us. Don’t believe me? Greed was the foundation fo... |  | from Family Like most parents, I am skeptical when it comes to ritual television viewing for young children. Actually, let me rephrase that… I am wholly against i... |  | from Health It’s a ritual we’d all just as soon forget: our annual check up. Especially if you’re feeling pretty good. But you take your car in ... |  | from Nature Like something out a Jules Vern novel, a 10 meter long whale shark — the world’s largest fish — emerged from the sea just off the Pa... |  | from Nature U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey Miller is reviewing a lawsuit filed by PETA to have five orcas released from Sea World. PETA says the orcas are slav... |  | from Health How we treat animals can sometimes have public health implications. Who can forget the Humane Society of the United States investigation in which dair... |  | from Pets Kitten season is almost upon us, but what can you do if you find baby kittens? Here is some very helpful advice from Austin Pets Alive!, one of Care2&... |  | from Pets Once this dog lets out a nice, big yawn, this adorable orange tabby kitten uses her paw to touch the dog’s tongue. It is questionable as to what... |  | from Pets Animals have been our companions, teachers, and friends — it’s no wonder they’ve made it into the songs of these 10 famous artists. ... |  | from Health Before you pop that calcium supplement you might want to consider the importance of its partner mineral, magnesium. Excessive amounts of one mineral ... |  | from Health At first glance, those new to miso may find the idea of a fermented soybean paste less than appetizing. But if you give it a try, the flavor, versatil... |  | from Food Lumpy, bumpy, often covered with dirt, the lowly potato seems wretchedly unsophisticated in the produce aisle. Compared to more elegant offerings̵... |  | from Green A stove powered by the sun is making a big difference in impoverished communities. Solar stoves are a great energy saver, providing an alternative to ... |  | from Health It’s pretty easy to put our health at the bottom of our to-do list when we’re busy. When we try to squeeze too many things into our schedu... | | february 9, 2012 |
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