Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Spirit I truly believe that every person is a divine creator, that there’s a power within each of us that is common to every human being…and we&#... |  | from Spirit "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." -Buddha There is no more powerful or challe... |  | from Spirit I’m feeling embarrassed because I’ve made a series of silly mistakes. I run retreats internationally in which people come together to exp... |  | from Health By Blythe Copeland, TreeHugger Essential oils have their place secured in a natural beauty routine: They’re natural, chemical-free alternatives ... |  | from Health Your body’s unique intelligence has a way of telling you when something is wrong and it needs help. Not understanding this language makes it dif... |  | from Health Photo Courtesy Of: Some of the most potent immunosupportive agents come from mushrooms, and science is just beginning to tap in... |  | from Nature Everyone has heard the sexist cliches about ‘women drivers’ but a new study says they found the women and men in their survey group reveal... |  | from Nature By David DeFranza, TreeHugger 1. Blue Sea Slug The ocean is a delicate place, and tiny changes to its composition can cause serious devastation. Addin... |  | from Green Businesses around the world and across the U.S. are coming to realize that many of the steps they're taking to reduce their environmental impact actua... |  | from Nature A coalition of 20 health organizations have found wind farms are not detrimental to the health of people living within their vicinity. Health Videos b... |  | from Pets Aww, watch as this baby goat learns to jump from its human companion! Related: Corgi Picks Terrible Playmate for Fetch (Video) Funny Goat Voice... | | february 13, 2012 |
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