Help keep Care2 eCards FREE by supporting great causes! | Help Restore the Gulf Coast | We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to restore America's magnificent Gulf Coast. It's time to make sure the fines from BP and others responsible for the horrific spill in the gulf go back to the birds, wildlife and communities along the coast that need it most. Billions of birds depend on Gulf Coast habitats each year.Tell your elected officials Gulf Coast restoration matters to you! |  | |
| Hi Annisa, Send your eCards from Care2! DID YOU KNOW? The origination of Mardi Gras came from the early days of Christianity. Pagan Romans practiced a fertility ritual in early Spring called Lupercalia, a circus-like orgy. The Church fathers decided it would be easier to convert people if some of the pagan customs remained but had a Christian meaning to them. Thus, based on the wild celebrations associated with Lepercalia, Carnival was born. It was celebrated the week before the beginning of Lent, the penitential time before Easter. ----------- Every time you send a FREE Care2 eCard you can generate donations for worthwhile charities. Learn more here! | |
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