Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Conscious Consumer A new park in Seattle will become a food forest comprised of hundreds of edible plants from berries, pineapple, guava and walnuts to herbs. It will al... |  | from Health The fever and achy muscles are gone, you're feeling much better, but that hacking cough is still hanging in there. While a cough that won't go away c... |  | from Health Photo Courtesy Of: iStockphoto/Thinkstock If you value your health, you would be wise to avoid fast food restaurants at all costs. Not only does the ... |  | from Health It's harder for so many of us to get a good night's sleep in these times. There are lots of reasons why. I've been taking medication for an inflammati... |  | from Nature These animals aren’t tree huggers in the activist sense. They’re just hanging on for dear life! 1. Orangutan As the largest and arguably m... |  | from Pets Fido, Snowball or Goldie–no matter the critter, study after study shows that pets are good for our health. Their unconditional love and wonderfu... |  | from Life We’re giving away a copy of Fast Feng Shui for Prosperity by Stephanie Roberts. Check out this excerpt and leave a comment for your chance to wi... |  | from Food February is Chocolate Lover’s Month. Wait, what? How did we nearly miss this? It’s the 24th of the month and we are just now discovering t... |  | from Food Who could resist the smell of pancakes on a Sunday morning? (Or on any other morning, for that matter…) Here’s a recipe I love to break ou... |  | from Nature An overcrowded, record-breaking colony of fruit bats in the Philippines is causing conservationists to be concerned. Science News by NewsLook var nl_r... |  | from Spirit To live an authentic life we must release all that interferes with our truth. This video will help you recognize the ways you disconnect from your tru... |  | from Spirit To Love and Create – this is the essence of life. But to be able to create the life you want, you must first be able to love the life you have. ... |  | from Spirit The value of an epiphany doesn't lie just in some new or exciting insight. You might be walking down the street and pass a stranger. Your eyes meet, a... |  | from Love In the movie, Shall We Dance, starring Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez and Susan Sarandon, there is a terrific scene where Sarandon’s character is ... | | february 27, 2012 |
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