Game Site Grapples with 50% Ad Blocking Rate
Judge Blasts Speed Cameras as a 'Scam'
Facebook Knows If You're Gay, Use Drugs, or Are a Republican
North Korea Kills Phone Line, 1953 Armistice; Funds Found
Bar Owner Bans Google Glass In Advance
Hot Comment: "How exactly is one supposed to surrender to a drone? ..."
From the Vault: What Is the Best Bug-as-a-Feature?
Watch It: $2,000 'MakerBot for Electronics'
Poll Booth: For 2012's U.S. tax season ...

Game Site Grapples with 50% Ad Blocking Rate
Independent game news site Destructoid recently revealed that nearly half of its users run ad blockers, leading the site founder to wonder, "Now what?" As ad blockers become increasingly popular, more sites will be asking the same question.
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Judge Blasts Speed Cameras as a 'Scam'
A southwestern Ohio judge has ordered a halt to a speeding-ticket blitz in a village that installed traffic cameras, calling it "a scam that motorists can't win." The judge ruled that the cameras violate motorists' constitutional rights to due process.
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Facebook Knows If You're Gay, Use Drugs, or Are a Republican
The Guardian reports that Facebook users are unwittingly revealing their sexual orientation, drug use and political beliefs-- through public "likes". A study of 58,000 Facebook users in the U.S. found that sensitive personal characteristics about people can be accurately inferred from information in the public domain.
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North Korea Kills Phone Line, 1953 Armistice; Funds Found
Last week, North Korea promised a "preemptive nuclear strike" prior to a UN vote on new sanctions. Despite the threat, the sanctions were unanimously approved. In response, North Korea killed a Red Cross hotline with Seoul and claims that it has canceled the 1953 Armistice. In the meantime, the U.S. claims it has found Kim Jong Un's funds in China.
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Bar Owner Bans Google Glass In Advance
A popular Seattle bar and restaurant has posted a notice on its Facebook page warning patrons that wearing Google Glass will not be tolerated. "Ass kicking will be encouraged for violators," wrote bar owner Dave Meinert, perhaps in a mock aggressive tone.
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Re:The enemy of my enemy
"How exactly is one supposed to surrender to a drone? These are murder/execution machines. There is no due process, no chance of being arrested and brought before a court for your crimes, you are simply executed with no chance to defend yourself. It is the most tyrannical of powers, and of you support it, you truly are un-American." --by guspasho
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What Is the Best Bug-as-a-Feature?
Six years ago, Bat Country took over maintenance of the code base of a workflow system and after patching bugs and cleaning up the code, received complaints that "features," which were caused by the bugs, had disappeared. The situation lead to a question for Slashdotters: "What is your favorite bug that you either can't live without or makes your life easier?"
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$2,000 'MakerBot for Electronics'
SlashdotTV: Imagine a low-cost assembly system that can load a design of a board, a blank board and components, and come out with a functional circuit board. At SXSW Create, Tim Lord caught up with Jeff McAlvay, who is working on a system that does just that and got a close-up of the prototype.
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For 2012's U.S. tax season ...
- I've filed the paperwork and sent money
- I've yet to file the paperwork, will be sending money
- Still working on it; not sure which way it will tip
- I've filed the paperwork, expect a refund
- I've filed the paperwork, and gotten a refund already
- Why should I pay taxes to the U.S.?
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