Microsoft's Windows Phone Pain Persists
EA CEO Steps Down in Wake of Botched SimCity Launch
How a Programmer Gets By on $16K a Year
CCTV Hack Takes Casino for $33 Million
Supreme Court Upholds First Sale Doctrine
Hot Comment: "It's getting the same coverage that a casting change in Game of Thrones..."
From the Vault: Sandals and Ponytails Behind Slow Linux Adoption
Watch It: LazyHusband App Built by 12-Year-Old
Poll Booth: If I could augment my senses (w/implant or similar) ...

Microsoft's Windows Phone Pain Persists
Despite rave reviews of Windows Phone in the press, it has failed to get double digit share of the smartphone market. Even Bill Gates has said that the Windows Phone strategy was a "mistake." Now, WMPoweruser reports that WP8 will lose mainstream support in July 2014.
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EA CEO Steps Down in Wake of Botched SimCity Launch
The latest casualty of the disastrous launch of SimCity is EA CEO John Riccitiello, who will step down from his position and from the Board of Directors. It is unknown what effect this may have on the SimCity franchise or any future DRM of EA games, but clearly the situation needs a fix.
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How a Programmer Gets By on $16K a Year
Meet John Hunter, a programmer and IT program manager who figured out how to survive on $16,000 a year. He moved from Virginia to Malaysia. Of course, Malaysia isn't the only destination for self-motivated ex-pat programmers. Share your experiences or if you've thought about taking this type of "sabbatical."
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CCTV Hack Takes Casino for $33 Million
In an "Ocean's Eleven"-style heist, scammers used a casino's own security systems to net $33 million in a high-stakes poker game after they were able to gain a crucial advantage by seeing the opposition's cards.
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Supreme Court Upholds First Sale Doctrine
The U.S. Supreme Court has sided with a Thai graduate student in the U.S. who sold cheap foreign versions of textbooks on eBay without the publisher's permission. The high court ruled that the first sale doctrine "applies to copies of a copyrighted work lawfully made abroad."
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Re: oh cool..
"It's getting the same coverage that a casting change in Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or any other long running fantasy series would get." --by Stormy Dragon
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Sandals and Ponytails Behind Slow Linux Adoption
Seven years ago, former Massachusetts CIO Peter Quinn said that "the lax dress code of the open-source community is one of the reasons behind the software's slow uptake in commercial environments." In particular, Quinn blames the "sandal and ponytail set" for sluggish adoption of Linux by businesses and governments.
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LazyHusband App Built by 12-Year-Old
SlashTV: After getting tired of always replying to his mother's question of how she looked in an outfit, 12-year-old Ethan Duggan developed a smartphone app to dole out compliments including, "You look amazing today" and "You don't look a day over 30." Tim Lord chats with Ethan at SXSW, where he was pitching his new app.
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If I could augment my senses (w/ implant or similar) ...
- I'd most want a radiation meter
- I'd most want to be able to safely detect electric currents
- I'd most want a built in compass
- I'd most want a lie detector
- I'd most want to see a wider color spectrum
- I'd most want to hear a wider range of sound
- None of these are what I'd want (I'll explain below!)
- My senses are fine as they are, thanks.
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