Heavy-Breathing Bikers Bad for Environment, Lawmaker Says
Can Your Company Go 'Bossless'?
Was Steve Jobs Wrong About Tablet Size?
Why Can't Intel Kill x86?
SimCity 5: How Not to Design a Single-Player Game
Hot Comment: Re: The World is not entirely filled with idiots
From the Vault: The 'Real' Reason We Use Linux
Watch It: Phish Me If You Can
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Heavy-Breathing Bikers Bad for Environment, Lawmaker Says
In defending his support of a tax on bicycle use, Washington state Rep. Ed Orcutt earlier in the week said that bicycling is bad for the environment because the activity causes cyclists to have "an increased heart rate and respiration," and as a result, they give off more CO2 than a car. Orcutt has since apologized for his comment.
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Can Your Company Go 'Bossless'?
Valve's economist-in-residence, Yanis Varoufakis, recently discussed the unusual structure of the workplace at Valve, where there is no hierarchy or bosses. Teams of software designers join spontaneously to create and ship video games without any top-down supervision. Can this model work for other tech companies?
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Was Steve Jobs Wrong About Tablet Size?
During the 2010 Christmas shopping season, Steve Jobs famously dissed the 7-inch tablets being rolled out by competitors, saying that a 10-inch device was the perfect size. About two years later, the iPad Mini, with a 7.9-inch diagonal screen, was rolled out under Jobs' successor Tim Cook and the smaller form factor tablet surprisingly outsold its larger sibling by a substantial margin.
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Why Can't Intel Kill x86?
As tablets and cellphones become more important to the computing landscape, Intel is increasingly having a hard time because the company's x86 architecture failing to find much success in mobile. But Intel's efforts to move away from the architecture have gone down in flames.
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SimCity 5: How Not to Design a Single-Player Game
It seems that the requirement to be online and save games on a remote server even in single player mode is leading to a less than ideal launch for SimCity 5. Players of the new game were hit with clogged server issues that resulted in disconnects, failures to load game, and wait times of 20 minutes per login attempt.
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Re: The World is not entirely filled with idiots
"You just keep believing that only big companies can do things, and that people are incapable of doing anything for themselves... And we wonder why we have such a nanny state." --by Anonymous Coward
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The 'Real' Reason We Use Linux
Five years ago Vlad Dolezal wrote that he and other Linux fans tell non-Linux users they use OS because it's secure, free, customizable, or has excellent community support--but that's just all marketing talk. Vlad reveals the "real" reason for true Linux love.
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Phish Me If You Can
Spearphishing is the deluxe (but easy) way to get unwary employees to put malware on your network. It's basically the same as phishing, except more targeted and cannot necessarily be fought entirely by technical means. That's where a service like PhishMe can help. Company co-founder and CTO Aaron Higbee explains.
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